This might possibly be based on true events… ooh look at you all interested.
We all know that ONE person. You know that ONE that just lives in delulu land and walks around and tries to spread delusion. That’s what a self entitled person looks like and what their aim basically is. They are so deluded by their own level of fantasy that they, think that you are beneath them. Yes, they may hold (maybe) a higher title than you do and yes maybe they have a better job at a posh corporate living the blue collar slaver hours, however, these guys are the most oblivious people you will ever meet. They hold titles that they don’t even qualify for and they have this level of absolute ridiculousness whereby they think they are better than you or the next person.
These people have no idea what they are even doing half the time because they are so busy building foundations in their fantasy world of where they are always right and always… ALWAYS, above you and your thoughts or suggestions. Iv had so many experiences with this species that I lost count. Picture this scenario to try to relate to what I’m saying. You are at the till paying for groceries and by mistake the item popped up with a different price. The cashier, mind you, does this job every single day of her life and does it ever so quickly just to make your experience better and faster. She calls the supervisor and gets that look, you know that look you get when someone is irritated for disturbing their lunch- that one, and proceeds to sigh heavily (almost like she reincarnated you) and swipes her card to sort this issue out.
How many of you have felt like the cashier? How many of you have felt that due to certain levels of employees in the hierarchy of a company where nobody even knows your name, felt like the cashier? We all know of the self entitled brats that throw files on your desk and take the credit or hide from taking accountability because they fear their “act of excellence” will be caught out. A person that is entitled or feels entitled is some one who can’t take the name badge off because God forbid nobody knows how superior they are, or lowers their hand in a meeting because they don’t know what the hell to say because they themselves don’t have the answer.
These guys measure their “success” based on other people’s hard work, the people who remain silent because their success makes the noise.
In the corporate environment, there is always that one person (all it takes is one) that always, ALWAYS, brags about their role and their achievements and their assets and their contribution to the company they work for. That person will brag about things you know in your heart was not their effort alone but listen anyway, and try to fight the laugh as each lie comes out. This person is intolerable, ego driven, out of touch with reality and entitled deluxe.
Let’s stretch this to outside your working environment. Let’s delve into the personal realm of your life. We all have a friend that feels the need to throw a pity party when things don’t go their way and can never, and I mean never, find the light in the story for them to be grateful. It’s like they thrive off other people’s sympathy and after hours of attention seeking consolation, they feel renewed, straight out of liposuction surgery and full of absolute confidence. What a crap life they must live.
Then you get some that just feel like they are owed things in life for instance, they only deserve the most magnificent piece of jewelry or the most lavish car- but can only qualify for a Hyundai i10. Ain’t nothing wrong with an i10 but you get my drift.
The self entitlement that annoys me the most is the one that comes from family. If I hear “but he is your brother” or “that’s your uncle, so overlook it” one more time- get me a good lawyer. Listen, I don’t care if you are my twin sister (whom I shared a womb with), if you use that as a ploy to get what you want, you in the wrong lane- I urge you to yield. By the way I don’t have a twin sister. The level of manipulation that comes from family is mind blowing, it’s looking like a WOW.
Your access to my peace and time will come at a cost. The cost is fairly simple and that is- just be a decent human being. Honestly, if you are a decent human being, you and I would be great! If you come with that entitled nonsense then baby its “bye bye Byeee” . Oops! Did I do it again? Was I mean and blunt again and is it too late to say sorry. Lol
I have no problem with being the villain in your story. I’m secure in the person I am to know just who I am. These guys might be your aunty, uncle, parent or grandparent- however, there is never a time where you should feel forced to give in to what anyone says if it doesn’t sit right with you. You can picture a particular person right now that has taken advantage of your kind nature due to them being family and I’m sure you remember the aftermath. Don’t get me wrong, there are certain things I overlook (I’m not completely heartless) but I don’t get fooled twice. I believe your true colors the first time you show me your ever changing color palette.
People with superiority complexes generally feel that they are always competing with you. You buy a car- they buy one better.
You buy a house- they take out 2 mortgages for a mansion. You marry a man- they want someone with “they-them” pronouns (it counts as more than you). They are always competing with you in a race that you never even knew you were in. You post a picture of your promotion at work- they post a picture of the entire building that they work in. I don’t get it. What do these people get out of it? You can’t even procreate in peace because when you have a daughter- BOOM TRIPLETS ON THE WAY.
It's always a competition, but it’s like playing against those demo players before you insert the coin at your favorite arcade. They literally playing against themselves.
I have no tips for this species of homo sapiens. Absolutely nothing at all. I just wanted to know if any of you experienced this as well. Do you know anyone that fits the criteria above or am I from bizarro world?
Cut the crap. Cut the nonsense. Leave your badge on the counter and see if you get the same respect. Remember, you may be a superior at work, but don’t forget you are a regular person on the porcelain throne that needs washing everyday!
Hope this was funny and you were able to suss out the pretentious, entitled and vain people that breathe the same air as you.